Wings post & poster
A quick note that post production is 90% complete for Wings and the first draft poster is being played with - see here :)

Wings of Freedom - wrapped
We just wrapped principle photography on our new Doco "Wings of Freedom" "Five thousand feet above the Arizona wasteland suspended by...
Casting has started in LA and London for Turtle Man. For the open castings we will be posting in all the normal places and info on our...

Turtle Man info site released
Just released is the atoms teaser video and mini stand-alone site for Turtle Man - take a peak http://www.firstbreathfilms.com/tm

Mini Documentaries
Some projects aren't just about the $. In fact, some are NOTHING to do with the $ at all. For instance our "Un Hommage A La Vie " - these...

Turtle Man
The script for this First Breath Films project, Turtle Man, has gathered so much momentum and interest that we’ve decided to start early...

Turtle Man - latest
Los Angeles: Turtle Man continues final stages of development and early days of pre-pre prod. A dedicated site with further insights into...

Bombshell will be available to the general public, worldwide, on iTunes, later this summer. Stay tuned for updates as we approach release...

Easter in the UK
Lucky to be in lovely UK with a cluster of meetings & project development for both First Breath & Route 1. Spring is springing into...

Charlie Sheen
Our sister commercial production company, Route 1, had the honor to work with Charlie Sheen and Alpha Century, from London, last week. In...